
Thursday 29 May 2014

29.5.14 London Sherry Dinner; Vinoble Results; Yet Another Medal for Lustau Oenologist

A gastronomic presentation with Sherry is to take place in London. The provincial government of Cadiz and Turismo Andaluz are behind the event which is timed to coincide with London Wine Week, and Jerez European City of Wine.

The idea is to promote Sherry and its suitability as a wine to accompany food. On Wednesday 5th June, chef Mauro Barreiro will present a dinner marrying Sherry with Atun de Almadraba (net-caught Atlantic Bluefin tuna, among other delights, at the prestigious Hispania restaurant at Lombard St. in the City of London.

There will be a tasting led by Beltran Domecq beforehand, and there can be no doubt that the event will be well attended by press, somelliers, restaurateurs, wine trade etc. Details can be found on this website:

Vinoble 2014 has been judged a great success by the organisers. A staggering 150,000 glasses were used during the 3 day event. The city of Jerez also benefitted, as hotels were approaching capacity and restaurants did well. It was great to see a buzz going through town. 98% of the 200 exhibitors will be back, and the other 2% will probably be back. 8,000 professionals came through the gates of the Alcazar. After the disappointment of the event’s cancellation in 2012, such is now the enthusiasm that the organisers are beginning to think of holding some event in the odd years as well as the even. They will also start work on Vinoble 2016 a bit sooner.

One of the tasting spaces at Vinoble
 Lustau oenologist, Manuel Lozano, has received yet another honour. He was awarded the Gold Medal for Oenological Merit by the Spanish Federation of Oenologists’ Associations at their recent congress held in Jerez. He’ll be needing a longer mantelpiece!

Manuel Lozano at another award ceremony

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