
Monday 4 November 2013

Palo Cortado 20%, Pedro's Almacenista Selection

Light amber through gold and yellow to vanishing point, legs.
Quite fragrant with lots of lightly toasted hazelnuts and almonds, a hint of toasted bread, marzipan, faint traces of a Fino past with hints of autolised yeast, a certain implied sweetness, in fact quite Amontillado, fairly crisp but with an earthy hint of walnut at the end.
Quite light in style, all the charm of an Amontillado, fresh, tangy and lively with a lightness of touch. Not short of flavour, all those toasted nuts, then a slightly looser, more oloroso feel and slight traces of truffle, walnut. really more Amontillado than Oloroso, but exactly where do you draw the line?
This is a very decent wine from a range of four (Fino, Amontillado, Palo Cortado, Oloroso) specially put together for Majestic wine warehouses. It was sourced by "Pedro" who in reality is Peter Dauthieu of a company called Viniberia which sources Spanish wines for UK importer Ehrmanns. The wine comes from the bodega and almacenista Cayetano del Pino in Jerez, and was contract bottled by Sanchez Romate with minimal filtration. The labels on this range are really colourful and different, and feature old Jerez harvest festival posters, in this case, 1951. The wines are good, genuine, interesting and well priced, and my congratulations go to all concerned on a good job well done. This is the sort of project which will really help to boost Sherry sales.
£14.99 only from Majestic

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Do you have any information on the poster for the label? Would like to make this into a print?
    Huge thanks
