
Saturday 5 October 2013

4.10.13 Vinoble Dates Changed; Rains Have Arrived; Consejo Budget

The dates for Vinoble have changed. The great fortified and sweet wine tasting event at the Alcazar in Jerez has changed the dates to 25, 26 and 27th May to avoid clashing with the relocated London Wine Fair.

Autumn rain has arrived. For the last week rain has been falling and causing problems. In Sanlucar, 21 litres per square meter fell in only 15 minutes yesterday, more than the drains could cope with in so little time, and there were scattered floods of a minor nature. 

The Consejo Regulador hopes to triple its budget for the supervision and promotion of Sherry, after its drastic reduction over the crisis years. At yesterday’s plenary meeting, the Consejo discussed the final figures for the 2013 harvest, but the budget took pride of place. It is not really sufficient to take advantage of the recent revival of interest in Sherry, and more money needs to be found, especially from public bodies and increased levies on the trade.

Meanwhile the growers are content with the proposal of a 1 centimo per kilo levy as long as they can get a decent price for their grapes, agreed between them and the bodegas, who would have to double their current contribution of I centime per litre of wine sold. Cesar Saldaña, director of the Consejo, thinks this formula, along with increased public funding, could raise about 2 million euros, especially for generic promotion and education.

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