
Friday 23 August 2013

German Beer Festival - in El Puerto?

A beer festival is to be held in El Puerto de Santa Maria starting today and running till the 7th of September at the Centro Comercial Bahia Mar. The intention is to woo German tourists with products from Germany such as beer, food and music. According to one of its promoters, Elsa Kramer of Bierfeste, it will be the little brother to the famous Munich beer festival.

(Imagen oz Digital)
What are they thinking?! The Germans have plenty of that in Germany, and it is excellent. Why go to Spain for it? El Puerto is world famous for its fine Sherries and its gastronomy which match the climate perfectly. It might be of interest to a few Portuenses (people from El Puerto), but why would Germans travel that far for a beer festival they can do better themselves? True, as the mayor says, it will provide employment, but only for a couple of weeks.

Why not try and attract tourists to what El Puerto itself has to offer, which is plenty. Any serious German tourists would, I am sure be far more interested in that.

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