
Saturday 3 August 2013

2.8.13 Jerez Candidate for European City of Wine 2014

Jerez Council has approved the presentation of the city’s candidature to RECEVIN, the European network of wine towns, and has set up a working committee, which includes the Sherry trade, to support the application. Principal among RECEVIN’s remits are the promotion of awareness and knowledge of the winemaking world, its products and different denominations of origin, as well as the excellence of the wines and their healthy properties as European wines.

RECEVIN also considers the growth of wine tourism for this, the third year of the project, which works on a rotary basis around the European wine growing countries. The first was Portugal (Palmela), then Italy (Marsala), and now it is Spain’s turn. Jerez will be up against 22 other Spanish wine towns, including Chiclana andE l Puerto de Santa Maria! 2015 will be France’s turn.

The Council considers that Jerez fulfils all the requirements, and so has decided to apply. It will now try to get things moving by promoting the richness, diversity and common traits of the area at a European level, offering a better knowledge of the countryside, gastronomy and patrimony of the Jerez area “for a better mutual understanding among citizens of the European Union”.

RECEVIN is also promoting the European Day of Wine Tourism, on the 10th November 2013.

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