
Wednesday 21 August 2013

20.8.13 Latest on Harvest

The recent August heatwave, following a slightly cooler than normal July, has moved the harvest forward by a week or so. Picking is under way in the inland vineyards, while those nearer the coast have not quite reached full ripeness. Gonzalez Byass began yesterday in the 500 hectares of vineyards they own in Carrascal, Burujena and Macharnudo, along with 400 hectares of contracted vineyard. Other big players such as Estevez and Beam will start in the next few hours, while the committees of the cooperatives Las Angustias in Jerez and Palomares y Albariza in Trebujena  - among many others - will decide shortly. The harvest for table wines – Vinos de la Tierra de Cadiz – is nearly finished, and a few more forward vineyards have already been picked for the “pie de cuba” (starter fermentations) for Sherry. The grapes are currently in a very good state of health.

(Diario Jerez)
The inland vineyards are registering about 12 degrees Beaume, and are thus ready to pick, but the coastal vineyards are still only registering about 10 degrees (10.5 is the minimum required by the Consejo). An average yield increase of 30% is predicted, or 60 million kilos as compared with last year’s 47 million, the smallest in recent memory due to a prolonged drought. Different zones will have different results, and Trebujena is expected to have a much better yield than last year’s extremely small one albeit with signs of raisining in some grapes due to the heat, even though the grapes are not fully ripe. At least the hot, drying Levante wind is not active.

Meanwhile, the Consejo says that close to 70% of the grapes will be picked by machine, and this percentage is growing. But while this means fewer temporary jobs, the harvest can be collected much quicker – at night if necessary - and at half the cost. The grapes will arrive cooler at the bodegas, limiting oxidation and premature fermentation. This year there are 30 bodegas de elaboracion (press houses), 17 in Jerez, 4 in Sanlucar, 3 in Chipiona, 2 in Chiclana, 2 in Trebujena and 1 each in Puerto de Santa Maria and Rota. Only two, both in Jerez, have begun operations so far.

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