
Monday 15 July 2013

Oloroso Ochavico 19%, Garvey

Deep mahogany amber fading toward yellow at rim, legs.
Fairly pungent with savoury notes of Marmite on toast as well as touches of implied sweetness, damp barrels, walnuts and clean oxidation, open and frank, very oloroso.
Fairly intense, just a hint of sweetness there along with roasted nuts, traces of raisin, barrels and a good solid texture. Not a particularly old wine, perhaps about 8-12 years, but very sound. It has real depth.
I don't know very much about Ochavico at all, what with the bodega virtually closed down, there is nothing forthcoming. I'll add any info as it comes to hand.
I'm guessing a UK price would be about £12, but as far as I know nobody is importing it at the moment.

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