
Wednesday 31 July 2013

30.7.13 Manzanilla..with Fish

Bodegas Delgado Zuleta and Sanlucar Fish Spa have reached an agreement to offer during August and September the enjoyment of their joint services, to enhance the local activities for tourists and locals alike at the best price. What is on offer is a unique and appetising mix of Manzanilla and good Health. There are three different options available.

The first, at 15 euros, is a 20 minute ictiotherapy session in the Urban Spa followed by a visit to the bodegas of Delgado Zuleta. {Ictiotherapy is putting your feet into a tank of warm water where lots of tiny fish eat away the dead skin on your feet – tickly at first, but effective}.

The second, at 24 euros is a 20 minute ictiotherapy session, a manicure or pedicure, a tour of Sanlucar and a visit to Delgado Zuleta.

The third, at 32 euros, is a 20 minute ictiotherapy session, a massage at the Spa and a visit to the bodegas with a tasting of tapas
Separately, the Spa is offering a free glass of La Goya Manzanilla with any ictiotherapy treatment between the 15th July and the 15th September.

This is definitely a new way to enjoy Manzanilla with fish!

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