
Tuesday 2 July 2013

2.7.13 Fiesta de la Vendimia 2013

The Fiesta de la Vendimia 2013 will be held between the 10th and 15th September. It will start with the traditional treading of the grapes outside the Cathedral at 20.00 on the 10th, after which the official reception will take place at the Alcazar. The following day, youngsters still in education will tread the grapes, in the same place, at 11.30. The councillor for the Special Plan for Cultural Promotions, Antonio Montero, said that this was a good way to get the young people to appreciate the history and traditions of Jerez wine.

Cata Magistral (Great Tasting) Alcazar, Jerez

 Other events include the participation of the bodegas, the Gastronomic Festival in the Alameda Vieja, and the Great Sherry Tastings which will take place in the Patio de las Armas of the Alcazar, supplied by the bodegas and the caterers Alta Cazuela. There also will be two charity equestrian galas. According to Antonio Real, councillor for Tourism, Culture and Fiestas, the cycle of events offers a fantastic range of activities for visitors, especially for those interested in wine.

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