
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Reflexions on World Sherry Day

Jerez can't quite believe it. There are good signs, but so far they haven't been translated into increased sales. A lot of good work has been done, but the Consejo has been scratching its head as to how to promote Sherry on a tiny budget, while being bogged down with the new Reglamento among other problems, and suddenly it is World Sherry Day.

Live tasting on TV, World Sherry Day Website, Sherry fans all over the world holding all sorts of events. Fantastic! Maravilloso! But two thoughts occur to me.

Firstly, and bearing in mind that this was the first WSD and it all happened in the last few months, this would have been infinitely more successful if there had been time to organise an advertising budget, and to promote it. I know it was timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the Consejo Regulador and the DO Sherry, but did it really have to? I haven't noticed that the public round here were aware of it at all. Indeed many in the trade were unaware too. So has it done any good? I certainly hope so. Still, at least next year there will be more time to organise it. Having said all that, I was impressed how the Sherry trade and the Ayuntamiento took it on board. And, of course, with the WSD team.

Secondly, and as Jerezanos are well aware, this was an(other) initiative created by foreigners. As is this blog, by the way. The Consejo must find a way to raise some cash. The levy on bodegas is ridiculously low, that should be increased. And it must also come up with inexpensive promotions, that's not impossible. Let the Sherry sales force work harder - a lot harder. We sell the wines of 10 different bodegas, and not one e-mail, call or sales visit has been received  - about Sherry itself - never mind WSD. Yet we have had visits from bodegas from many other regions of Spain, and of course, other countries. Sherry may be the finest wine in the world, but all wines need to be actively and constructively sold, and Sherry is not doing nearly enough, be it the bodegas, the importers/distributors, or the Consejo itself. The wine of all seasons should be promoted in all seasons.

At the moment, Sherry fans are promoting the product to themselves!

1 comment:

  1. Very True. In the States there has been an influx in recent years of tastings and seminars for specific regions (i.e. Liore Valley, Ribera del Douro) that are paid for by those regions as well as the European Union. These often include actively working with local Sommeliers and Stores in whatever city here in USA.
    I have personally found these very helpful and successful.
    Sherry should definitely be working efforts similar to this.
