
Sunday 5 May 2013

Oloroso Dulce San Rafael 19.5%, Barbadillo

Mahogany fading through amber to pale green - tinged rim, legs.
Old oloroso, walnuts in syrup, nutty, hints of old barrels and acidity along with those of the added PX: pasas and toffee, but the oloroso dominates - a very old wine with just enough PX to round it off. Lovely.
Beautifully balanced between oloroso and PX, medium-medium sweet at the start with the oloroso following through and that crisper Sanlucar note helping it to balance. It leaves a lovely mellow buttered toast oloroso feeling on the palate that lingers.
A delicious wine, especially with Manchego type cheese, maybe even blue cheese. The oloroso has a really old feel to it, and is in fact aged over 15 years in the bodega San Roberto, with about 25% of PX. A hyper cream Sherry.

I got this one at Spirited Wines for £23.54 UK importer is Fells.

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