
Tuesday 28 May 2013

28.5.13 Sanlucar Threatens War over Fino/Manzanilla Proposal

Pladevi (Plataforma de defensa de la vina - a growers' association) has joined in the fray against the Fedejerez proposal to limit the ageing of Fino to Jerez and El Puerto.

The Consejo will debate the polemic issue at a meeting on Tuesday, but meanwhile Pladevi has expressed its disapproval in a communique which threatens legal action. "We are convinced this is a bad idea, but if it were adopted, we are prepared to resort to the law to stop business interests putting themselves before those of the people," said Pladevi president Francisco Yuste in the communique.

The Sanluquenos insist in their call to the Junta de Andalucia and the town councils of affected areas that they do what they can to prevent the proposal from being adopted, since it would "endanger the economy of the Sherry zone and some of its population," according to the communique, in which it is noted that Fedejerez had tried to restrict Fino production in Sanlucar three years ago, provoking a schism resulting in the Manzanilla producers' group Arjeman to leave the DO and found Vinateros de Sanlucar.

On that occasion, it was agreed to place a moratorium on the matter and create a technical commission to investigate, and it reported back in 2011 with the conclusion that there were no technical or organoleptic criteria to differentiate Fino and Manzanilla. Now that the moratorium is over and the technical report received, Fedejerez wants to get on with its prohibition of the simultaneous production of Fino and Manzanilla in Sanlucar and preserve the DO Manzanilla, signed into European law in the mid 1960's.

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