
Sunday 26 May 2013

26.5.13 Archaeology Museum; Real Escuela 40 Years Old; World Sherry Day

Even the Jerez Archaeological Museum is celebrating World Sherry Day with a thematic visit called "Before the Soleras and Catavinos" (catavinos are tasting glasses), which will focus on different aspects of the history and culture of wine in the Sherry zone.
Four guided visits are available, timed at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 and 13.00 tomorrow with a maximum number of 25 people per session, which lasts about an hour.
All sorts of interesting objects can be seen related to gods, myths, symbols, rituals and commercial activity related to wine, such as ceramic vases, amphorae, sculptures, reliefs, mosaics and glassware among other things.
As usual, visits will be assisted so that the visitor can get involved and get the most out of it. Visits are free and available to the general public, and it is hoped to offer a new perspective on the history of Jerez.
If you would like to visit, you can book on, or by phone on 956 149 560.


The Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre (The Spanish Riding School) is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its first spectacular "How the Andaluz Horses Dance",  first performed in 1973. A celebratory show will be performed as close as possible to the original.

The promotors of World Sherry Day, Wolfgang Hess and Chelsea Anthon raised a copita and toasted the 80th anniversary of the Denominacion de Origen Sherry at the bodegas of Gonzalez Byass yesterday with Mauricio Gonzalez, president of the firm, and signed a barrel.

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