
Tuesday 21 May 2013

21.5.13 Osborne Profits; Ruta del Vino Logo; Lustau Win Gold; World Sherry Day

Grupo Osborne has announced its figures at the shareholder AGM for 2012, which show net sales of 222 m euros and a gross profit of 32.5 m euros, representing a 7% rise. The drinks side of the business contributed 78% of sales, principally brandy, anis, Rioja etc. The remaining 22% came from Iberico Pork and restaurants, which have seen growth of 50%. Unfortunately, Sherry was not a major contributor.

The Wine and Brandy Route of the Jerez area has a new logo. It was designed by Jose Antonio Chanivet, from Puerto Real. The logo was tiring and in need of a change, and this is a great improvement. La Asociacion de la Ruta del Vino y Brandy del Marco de Jerez, which covers all the main municipalities of the area, is composed of some 70 entities connected to enoturismo (wine tourism). These are bodegas, hotels, restaurants, bars, tabancos or wine shops, and they must all comply with the Association’s quality manual. The route is part of the official national system of Wine Routes, and is among the most popular.

Bodegas Emilio Lustau has won no less than 21 medals at the IWSC in London, considered the “Oscars” of the wine trade. They won half the medals available!
Their VORS Oloroso, Amontillado and Palo Cortado won gold, while the VORS PX won silver. Rio Viejo Oloroso, Rich Oloroso Anada 1997, PX San Emilio, Amontillado Los Arcos and the Almacenista Pata de Gallina also won gold. Three more Almacenista wines won silver: Amontillado de Sanlucar Cuevas, Amontillado del Puerto Cuevas and Palo Cortado Vides. Silver also went to Moscatel Emilin, Oloroso Emperatriz Eugenia, Palo Cortado Peninsula and Puerto Fino. Fino La Ina, Amontillado Botaina, East India Solera and Oloroso Don Nuno all won bronze.

 The first World Sherry Day has now listed over 200 worldwide events in 23 countries taking place this week up to the day itself, Sunday 26th. The town council of Jerez is looking at how to link WSD with next year’s Vinoble wine fair, along with – if it is granted – European City of Wine. Jerez is a candidate for this, and to that end has renewed its connection with Recevin, the European network of wine cities. The bodegas of Jerez are the most visited in Europe with 311,000 visits last year. To keep abreast of what is happening, follow these sites: y

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