
Thursday 4 April 2013

3.4.13 Agriculture Minister Supportive of Sherry

After a good meeting at the Consejo Regulador yesterday with its director and president as well as various representatives of the sector, Luis Planas, the Junta’s agriculture minister said he was optimistic about the future of Jerez as long as they can work together.

In his first visit to the Consejo, the minister offered his personal support and that of the Junta for the work of the Consejo, but stressed the importance of adapting to current market conditions, as there have been difficulties in selling to the markets and getting across the actual product. It could be deduced from his words that he felt that a bit more drive would be helpful, but the future could be bright if everyone worked diligently. He announced significant support.

He encouraged the sector to take advantage of the various lines of aid for promotion, especially those directed at export, and pointed out the high level of acceptance, which according to Ministry figures amounted to 87% of the total of grants paid during the period of the Programme of National Support, some 9.7 million euros. He said that by working together this measure could be  used more and better by the bodegas and cooperatives of the area.

The minister also addressed the reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy and in particular how it affects the vineyards. He went over the actual state of negotiations about plantation rights: the proposals of the Parliament and Council of Europe are leaning towards the status quo until 2019 or 2024 and with an increase in the eligible area up to a maximum of 145%, which could mean that Andalucia went from 3.5 to 4.7 million hectares. As to the fines imposed by the CNC (Office of Fair Trading), he said that more flexible rules would have avoided the problem.

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