
Thursday 28 March 2013

PX Cardenal Cisneros 18%, Sanchez Romate

Very viscous, dense black through burnt umber and yellow to trace green at rim.
Deep, pasas, dried dates, figs, slight savoury note and traces of coffee, old barrels, raisin pulp - and stalk. Quite serious but more than anything, pasas, with hints of fruit cake and toffee, lovely.
Rich, full, intensely sweet and concentrated, similar to nose, but with lots of texture, almost like eating pasas soaked in molasses, velvety, quite delicious, and very long.
According to the bodega this is over 8 years old, coming from their Reservas Especiales range. Certainly it doesn't have the serious complexities of VOS or VORS wines, but it is outstanding for its age. Romate produce some really good Sherries, even if much of their trade is in brandy (Cardenal Mendoza). Cardinal Cisneros was a XV/XVI century reformer, regent, and confidant of Fernando II.
£21.95 at Drinkmonger (Edinburgh & Pitlochry), UK importer Eaux de Vie

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