
Tuesday 26 February 2013

PX Royal Ambrosante VOS 17%, Sandeman

Almost opaque black-brown to fading yellow rim with pronounced legs.
Very Jerez in style, seems fairly dry at first, but a certain sweetness with lots of raisin, fruit cake, damp barrels, coffee, treacle and a savoury element too, slight traces of Marmite and licorice, quite serious and old.
Full, rich, very sweet and luscious, lots of tangy raisin and a hint of date with all the texture you'd expect from dried fruit and just enough acidity for a clean finish, quite lively with traces of well-done toast and treacle. Long and delicious.
This is a VOS (Vinum Optimum Signatum) or a wine with a minimum of 20 years solera age. The solera was laid down in 1894, and all bottles (mostly halves) are numbered. It contains a modest 380g/l sugars and 4.5g/l tartaric acid which gives it tang and length.

£13-15 per half bottle. UK importer Stephens Garnier

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