
Thursday 14 February 2013

Pedro Ximenez 15%, Ximenez Spinola

Dense black-brown-walnut through amber to yellow rim, pronounced legs.
Full, rich, intense, very slightly cooked, lots of fruit pulp - figs, dates, pasas, apricots, traces of old barrels, molasses, caramel, very fruity but with less of the toasted bread/coffe aroma.
Unctuously sweet, concentrated, deep and intense, lots of texture of dried fruit skin/pulp, extremely viscous, slightest trace of Marmite hiding behind the complexity. Amazing.
This was bottle number 2659 of 9215 released that year (2007). It is hard to say how old the wine is, but I would guess somewhere around 15 years. The style is, to me, more Montilla than Jerez, but none the worse for that, it is a wonderful wine.
This cost me 50 euros a couple of years ago. It will be about £50-60 now in the UK.

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