
Thursday 14 February 2013

Iberia Cream 18%, Sanchez Romate

Very deep brown, chestnut/walnut, not much black, through amber to greeny yellow rim, legs.
Very fresh, a no-nonsence proper cream Sherry with noticeable Oloroso, PX and Moscatel, quite fruity - traces of raisins backed by some seriousness from age. Very attractive.
Broadly similar, very homogeneous, decent tangy freshness, could be matured as a blend (not sure), rich, fruity; pasas, dates and good Oloroso lifted by Moscatel, very natural, not over sweet, long, classic.
Aged over 8 years; according to the bodega it is made from oloroso and about 15% PX, which are certainly there - and good - but I am sure there is some Moscatel there too, though they deny it. Whatever, it is lovely, one of the best Creams around.
Around £15.00 in the UK

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