
Saturday 2 February 2013

2.2.13 World Sherry Day

The Consejo is launching another new website called, after one of the leading Sherry Educators came up with the idea. The site is still under construction, but will be up and running in plenty of time for the day irself which is - get your diaries out - the 26th May 2013. Events will be taking place all over the world in restaurants, bars, bodegas and private parties.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Paula
    I follow you a while, an interesting blog with good information.
    Thank you to mention the World Sherry Day. I will keep you informed about our next steps regarding events and mission. Our web page will get soon online and will develop during the journey. We have already great response from around the world.
    You can follow also on Facebook and Twitter under World Sherry Day.
    This is a project driven by myself with passion and not through the Consejo Regulador. I invited a group of Sherry Educators and marketing as IT friends to realize the idea of World Sherry Day.
    The Sherry industry has right now tough times with some decreasing and some increasing markets. My intention is to make a global impact to connect more people than only through an regional event. Educate and demystify wrong perceptions and celebrate the industry and the hard working people who give us one of the greatest wines.
    Keep in contact, more info soon.
