
Saturday 8 December 2012

8.12.12 October Sales Figures from the Consejo

Sherry sales may be on the increase?

After years of stagnation, the sales figures for October show an increase on last year of almost 14%. The Christmas season, along with the spring feria season, traditionally sees the biggest sales, and there is some optimism that better sale might continue. But this rise in sales has only gone some way to slowing the decline from 6% to 3.36%; the general trend is still downward. The traditional markets are slightly down, but there is growth in Asia.

Sales by style are interesting: the biggest seller is Fino at 7.4 million litres (2 million in Spain, and 4.4% down), Cream at 6.5 million litres (up 5.47%), Manzanilla is in 3rd place with 6.5 million litres (the vast majority of sales in Spain), Medium sells some 6.4 million litres (up3.5%), Pale Cream sells 2.2 million litres (down 14.51%), Amontillado sells 1.7 million litres (down 19.2%, Oloroso sells 719,000 litres (down 37%) Palo Cortado sells 41,000 litres (up 30%), and PX 666,000 litres (up 4.6%).

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