
Wednesday 19 December 2012

19.12.12 "Sherry is Over the Worst of the Crisis"

Fedejerez (the association of bodegas) thinks that the worst of the Sherry crisis has passed, and is encouraging everyone to get involved and make Sherry a profitable business again. At the end of the Fedejerez annual general meeting, the organisation’s president, Evaristo Babe painted a more confident, optimistic picture of the situation after a difficult year, plagued with difficulties.

At the post-meeting lunch and get-together hosted by Lustau, attended also by the Confederation of Buisiness in Cadiz, the Agriculture Department of the Junta and the Press, he pointed out that above any differences between the various operators in the sector there is unanimity in the need for radical change.  Jerez has a great patrimony and a great product, but needs to be more profitable.  He also pointed out that there needs to be more generic promotion. Many bodegas prefer to invest in their own  brands, but Sherry itself needs promotion. He said that the Sherry trade has been much reduced, and that prices would have to increase, but the quality would justify that.

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