
Thursday 13 December 2012

13.12.12 Three Kings Sherry; Rutas del Vino

Sherry for the Three Kings

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh will be replaced this year by Sherry and Vinegar in a singular initiative to raise funds for social work.  Rey (King) Melchor Fino Oro, Rey Gaspar Incienso Cream and Rey Baltasar Vinagre Mirra will be sold at events attended by the kings and in commercial outlets which wish to participate. A pack of three half bottles (I of each) will sell for 10 euros and a pack of 75cl bottles 18 euros.  A presentation was held at the Consejo Regulador attended by the three presidents (Wine, Brandy and Vinegar) at which, as usual, a donation was made to the Kings’ campaign.

Rutas del Vino

A meeting was held yesterday in El Puerto of the new board of the Association of Rutas del Vino and Brandy which now includes representatives from the Consejos Reguladores. It was agreed that sectorial groups would be set up to bring together the different segments of activity to improve the tourist experience. Among the projects is a plan to restore old “casas de la vina”  (vineyard houses) which could be used for wine tourism purposes. Another project is to improve the communication of the offer by using the internet and social networking sites.

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