
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Pladevi complains about the system

La Plataforma de la defensa de la vina (Pladevi) have complained of a lack of transparency in both the rules by which the DO is operated and by their application.

They say that the absence of a solid, stable framework of rules prejudices companies’ investment decisions and could have further negative effects such as disincentivising the entrance to the field of other operators. The growers feel inadequately represented by the organisations with a seat on the Consejo Regulador, and feel their hands are tied when entering into agro-tourism or into the market with their wines.

They are therefore asking for clarity in the way people can operate and in the restrictions and their justification, saying that the lack of transparency is usually a barrier to entering the market, which protects those already there hindering newcomers with a lesser understanding of how things work.

Pladevi wants to see an improvement in access to information on decisions taken by the Consejo from whom it is asking for a permanent public register of circulars sent out by plenary sessions , and suggests these could be published on the Consejo website.

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