
Saturday 10 November 2012

10.11.12 Estevez signs permanent contract with Covisan

Covisan cooperative with its 170 members has agreed a “life” contract to supply grapes and musts to Estevez, to whom they are already the main supplier. Jose Ramon Estevez said that this was a joint project for the future in the hope of reducing production costs and improving quality, one which guarantees grape sales for the growers and supplies for the bodega. This latter point is important as not every bodega secured enough this year to replace stocks, what with the recent grubbing up of vines and the small harvest.  Now that balance has been restored work can begin on improving the image, the prestige and the price of Sherry. If the growers and bodegas work together they can both make a profit. As the president of Covisan, Antonio Palacios, put it, “there is hope”.

Covisan bodegas in Sanlucar

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