
Sunday 16 September 2012

Off to Jerez!

As the Fiesta de la Vendimia celebrations wind down for another year, my holidays have arrived, and I'm off to Jerez -where else! (well, Malaga as well actually!) My laptop is staying at home, but my camera and notebook will accompany me to bodegas and vineyards, so that when I return I can put loads more pictures on the Blog as well as interesting news and information. So there will be no Blog posts for the next couple of weeks, but heaps after that!

I hope you have enjoyed the Blog so far, and found it useful and interesting. I'd welcome any comments, questions, information and/or samples from bodegas. It has been satisfying for me to see that there still are Sherry aficionados out there, but the Blog's work will not be done till everyone has a bottle of Sherry in the house!

Hasta luego,

1 comment:

  1. Well done. Great blog. I tried this a few years ago, but it ran out of steam eventually. I hope you have better luck! Mine had exactly the same blog name as yours!

    Dial me up next time yr in Jerez. Twitter @justinjerez
