
Sunday 9 September 2012

Amontillado Seco Dorius 18%, Valdivia

Pure amber with light coppery tints, fading to yellow at the rim, legs.
Very fresh, clean, round and quite nutty. traces of sultana, toasted nuts, oil, resin, something slightly sweet like madeira cake or turron yema tostada (ground almond and honey bar with egg yolk toasted on top). Fairly complex and attractive with a touch of finesse.
None of the astringency of long ageing, but perhaps a slight tannic note yet light on the palate with some crisp charm. Dryness tempered by honey roast nuts and an attractive balancing tang with a bitter edge of walnut/almond, decent length and perfect for meaty tapas.
The bodega was set up by Rumasa and its history is very much interlinked. After the collapse of Nueva Rumasa it was in a difficult position and was on the market for some time. In September 2015 an offer from Jose y Miguel Martin, coopers and wine dealers with an extensive cask seasoning service to the spirits industry, was accepted by the administrators. It remains to be seen what their plans are for the bodega. This wine is fairly hard to find but worth looking out for. The whole Valdivia concept is a good one and the wines have proved themselves with medals and awards.
£ 17.45 from Peckhams

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