
Tuesday 11 September 2012

2012 Fiesta de la Vendimia gets under way

The activities of the 2012 Fiesta de la Vendimia get under way today with the symbolic act of treading the grapes outside the cathedral. There will be a reception at the Alcazar to celebrate this event and also the European Wine Tourism day.

Another exciting event is free courses in dancing of the Buleria (Jerez’ own style of Flamenco) offered by Jerezano Antonio “El Pipa from today till Friday at the centre for Flamenco known as “Danzalucia” in the calle Ponce.

Antonio "El Pipa"

From today till Saturday15th The Consejo is holding Grand Tastings at the Alcazar and on Sunday a charity tasting at the bodega San Gines, the Consejo's own bodega.

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