
Wednesday 4 April 2012

Welcome to Paula's Sherry blog!

This Blog is dedicated to all current - and future - lovers of the World's greatest wine, and to those magicians who have created it. The idea is to convert you to a really good wine.

Sherry is quite unique, unbelievably versatile, and absolutely NOT that horrid sweet brown stuff Granny used for improving trifles. It is a Fine Wine, and quite the best value for money among the stars of that firmament.

No wine better accompanies seafood, soups, game; as an aperitif it is peerless; after dinner it is the equal of a fine Malt Whisky or a Cognac; and its qualities as a dessert wine are well known.

For all its splendour, Sherry has been grossly misunderstood for far too long, and in  this Blog I hope to put that right. We all want value for money and continue ignoring the best. So let's raise a copita to Sherry!

And remember, "Quien sabe beber sabe vivir!"


  1. Por fin encontre tu blog!! Un saludo!

  2. Dear Paula - you have always helped me with recommendations for both bodegas and restaurants in Jerez. I loved La Carbona and now many of my friends have visited here.

    I am attending the Consejor Regulador Sherry Educator course in two weeks time. I am travelling alone and I wonder if you could recommend any restaurants to visit in Jerez (or El Puerto). Let me know. I can't wait. I am the only participant from Ireland I think.

    Best wishes,

    Carol Cunningham
